Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Books of Poetry Parodies for Young People

In addition to being a time for celebrating poetry, April is also National Humor Month. That makes it a good time to introduce the concept of “parody” or “homage” too. This can be a particularly engaging exercise for young people in middle school and high school, in particular, offering a fun “backdoor” approach to the originals. The following titles are a few that offer a parody, riff, or twist on a classic poem, poet or other medium.

The list begins:

            Dahl, Roald. 2005. Vile Verses. New York: Viking.

Katz, Alan. 2008. On Top of the Potty: And Other Get-Up-and-Go Songs. New York: McElderry.

Katz, Bobbi. 2009. The Monsterologist; A Memoir in Rhyme. Ill. by Adam McCauley. New York: Sterling.

Levine, Gail Carson. 2012. Forgive Me, I Meant to Do It: False Apology Poems. Ill. by Matthew Cordell. New York: HarperCollins.

Lewis, J. Patrick. 2007. Tulip at the Bat. New York: Little, Brown.

For more details, get your copy of The Poetry Teacher’s Book of Lists.
And if you already have the book and would like to offer additions, corrections, or other input, please do so in the COMMENTS area. Thanks!

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